New York-headquartered Amalgamated Life Insurance announced Tuesday about a rebranding initiative created by the firm, along with its affiliated companies.
In a press release, the insurer said the rebranding had been designed “to better reflect the “Amalgamated Family of Companies” as well as “leverage the brand equity in the flagship company’s name.”
“Our organization has grown considerably from the single entity, Amalgamated Life Insurance Company founded in 1943, to what is now a family of companies offering complementary products and services designed to advance our mission of helping working people and their families achieve financial security by offering high-quality insurance products, as well as providing third-party administrative services and medical care management services to benefit both working people and plan sponsors,” said company President and CEO Paul Mallen.
Under the rebranding initiative, new names and taglines have been given to different member companies consisting of the Amalgamated Family of Companies.
Specifically, as part of the project, the organization’s third-party administrator’s name had been changed from AliCare to Amalgamated Employee Benefits Administrators. Meanwhile, the medical care management firm, which was originally called AliCare Medical Management, had been renamed to Amalgamated Medical Care Management.
Both firms will also adopt new taglines, with the former assuming the “Delivering High Quality, Customized TPA Services” tagline, and the latter getting the “Quality Clinical Advice & Care.”
The rebranding also included a few changes in company websites, the introduction of new marketing materials, signage, print advertisements, as well as other collateral materials.
“While we were using the Amalgamated Family of Companies as an umbrella branding tool, our companies’ names did not readily reflect this. The new names and taglines denote our aligned business units and convey the unique value proposition we, as a family of companies, offer to the market,” Mallen added.