
Payment Platforms Block Credit Cards Access on Pornhub

Following the investigations that the world’s largest porn site Pornhub contained videos of child sexual abuse, revenge porn, and rape, large payment companies decided to block the use of credit cards on the website.

Visa, Mastercard, and Discover cut off the credit card access on Pornhub as confirmed violations were discovered. The decision is based on the internal investigation conducted by the New York Times, showcasing unlawful content.

“As we noted last week, we continue to investigate potential illegal content on other websites that has been referred to us in order to take the appropriate action,” said Mastercard spokesperson Seth Eisen.

Credit Cards Access on Pornhub

Visa didn’t respond to the request to make a comment on how this new action can affect the livelihood of legal adult performers. Meanwhile, follow the same path with the two world’s largest payment companies on Friday, December 11.

Pornhub was under deep waters for millions of videos connecting to child pornography and other illegal content. It has announced the removal of roughly 10 million videos and started purging videos from unverified content creators.

This is in response to the possibility of content uploaders losing their livelihood from the credit card issuers’ decision to cut off access to the website. Now, Pornhub is only hosting videos created by official partners and verified creators.

The website also limits the upload features on its website, in addition to downloading the videos. With these new actions, premium subscribers can only pay using cryptocurrency. This is going to hurt the site as paid users need alternative ways to pay for the membership.

“In today’s world, all social media platforms share the responsibility to combat illegal material. Solutions must be driven by real facts and real experts. We hope we have demonstrated our dedication to leading by example,” claimed Pornhub.

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