
Tesla Eyes UK and China Expansion of Solarglass

Tesla CEO Elon Musk confirmed on Monday, Feb. 10, the news of Tesla shifting to UK and China markets for the solar roof tiles, Solarglass.  

The company had a third iteration of its product last October 2019 and is ramping up production to roll out solar roof tiles in Europe and China. According to Musk, the company hopes to increase the Solarglass production up to 1,000 new roofs per week.  

The Solarglass is being produced at Buffalo, New York, but the company did not confirm how many Solarglass have been made to date. However, Musk said in an earnings meeting last October that the tiles are ‘ready for widespread deployment and version three is finally ready for the big time.’  

Tesla Solarglass

Image from Slash Gear

The solar roof tiles are no different from the normal roof tiles but the third iteration made sure that these tiles can double the efficiency and generate more power. Additionally, these tiles are marketed to finely integrate with the house roof, almost replicating the material itself.   

Tesla has conducted trial installations for the first two solar roof generations and opened up the orders as early as 2017. Initially, the company offers only textured black solar roof tiles but Musk tweeted Monday that Tesla will be offering other colors and variants hopefully this year.’   

In terms of pricing, Tesla has a price estimator on its website that indicates a 10 kW solar for 2,000 square-foot home cost around $42,500 before tax incentives.  

 Tesla is known for its innovative, electric cars but the company is quietly running a solar roof tiling business. It will soon roll out the Solarglass, not just in the United States, but also in China and Europe, where the market is yet to be penetrated.  

Musk said that Tesla is already installing Solarglass in many Bay Area.  

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