Individuals around the world rely on credit cards for their everyday needs. It allows them to spend without having cash on hand.
One of the prominent offerings in the UK is the Halifax Flexicard Credit Card. This card claims to offer a low APR of 6.4% and flexible instalment plans designed to make payments affordable. Halifax makes this low representative rate available on all purchases and balance transfers. There is also a 0% fee on balance transfers made within the first 90 days.
Powered by Mastercard, the Halifax Flexicard Credit Card provides flexible payment plans that will help customers repay their credit loans in an affordable manner. Through this initiative, the costs of bigger purchases are spread into smaller monthly payments, starting at £100.
While this credit card opens up a world of possibilities, there is a 3% fee applied to balance transfers made after the first 90 days of opening an account. Likewise, users will also be given a higher interest rate, such as a 14.9% APR if they do not have a good credit standing.
Although this credit card has no annual fee, there is an interest rate ranging from 6.4% APR to 14.9% APR. Should customers fail to pay dues on time, there is a late payment charge of £12.
An over limit charge will be applied if users go over their credit limit. Other fees that need to be taken into consideration before committing to this card includes a cash transaction fee of 3% or a minimum of £3.
Individuals who are interested in applying for a Halifax Flexicard Credit Card should be at least 18 years of age and must be a resident in the UK. To be eligible, a good credit score is essential. Interested parties can course their application online. If approved, a credit limit starting from £500 will be given. However, the Halifax Flexicard Credit Card is subject to the bank’s evaluation of customers’ personal conditions.